Customer Support |
Welcome to our customer support page where you will hopefully find an answer to your question or help in overcoming an issue you may have. If you cannot find the answer here, please use the contact form provided by clicking the link provided.
Members |
Please use the Contact Form to let us know about any of the following.... |
- if you have been locked out of the member area and need to have your account reinstated |
- there is a broken link, for example, to a photo gallery |
Occasionally we carry out site maintenance and there may be odd times when the site is down for hardware/software updates. Other than this, we do carry out regular monitoring of the site and if you do experience any problem that affects your viewing pleasure it is more than likely related to your own PC or device. So please check your own system first before assuming there is a site issue. |
Download speeds are catered for using top tier connections meaning we can cope with very heavy demands without a loss of speed. If you do experience slow download speeds it is highly likely to be an issue with your local connection hub, partcularly at times of peak internet demand. We suggest you return to the site at quieter moments. |
Billing |
Our providers will handle all issues relating to your purchase including such things as... |
- non-receipt of a confirmation email (usually the result of you entering an incorrect email address or spam filtering) |
- lost confirmation emails |
- lost login details |
- cancellations |
- all other billing related information, such as join date, card used etc |
Please do not contact us directly about any billing issues since we do not hold any of this information for security and privacy reasons. |
General Issues/Reminders |
As a reminder to our customers, our Terms and Conditions clearly state that the following must be observed... |
Download accelerators / site ripping programs are forbidden. Use of them will cause your username and password to be blocked permanently and bans your ip address from access to the server altogether. Permanent means permanent and you will still be denied access even if you re-sign up to the member area. |
Use of proxy addresses is not permitted. A list of known proxies are observed and use will result in permanent disabled access. |
Please do NOT access the member area from more than one PC or device. For example, if you access the site from a personal computer, do not then attempt to access the member area from a mobile device, gamestation and so on. The site has two security systems installed which monitors all login attempts and account download activity and will suspend any member's username where multiple logins are being detected or where download limits have been violated. It is all our interests that you abide by this condition to prevent any unecessary problems. |
We have tested this site on the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Because of the vast range of proprietary browsers out there and different versions of each browser we cannot guarantee that everything will work or appear in the correct place. We recommend that you always keep your browsers up to date and use only offical versions of the popular browsers. |