Contact Form
Please only use this form to contact Support about any site issues, pass reinstatements or to request a reciprocal website link.
Do not use this form...
- to make contact with any of the models; they will NOT receive them directly. However, please feel free to make your comments about any particular model and we will pass on your comments to them (complimentary only).
- billing queries; please use the link given on the Support page
Complete the form as thoroughly as possible and give as much informatuion as possible to allow us to investigate any issues or deal with your query/request. Failure to do so may mean that your submission is not dealt with and you may not receive an answer.
When contacting the office please ensure our response to your query can get back to you without a hitch. If your inbox is full or you have set up spam filters or your email service automatically uses filters or your inbox is full, then our mail may not reach you. If we send a reply and it is returned undelivered we will not make any further attempts to re-send our response to you.
Your Name
Your E-Mail
Nature of Query
Billing Transaction Number
(if member access issue):

Please Enter your valid Billing subscription ID Number
which you can find on your sign-up confirmation email.
If you cannot locate the confirmation please enter your username
and ensure the name and email address you supply match our records.
Under no circumstances will passwords be issued without this information.
Link requests only:
Website Home Page URL

Where do you want us to direct your link (URL)

Please place our link on your site before contacting us
Broken Link :

Please advise which link is broken by entering the link address
from the address bar on your browser or by letting us know which
set/video/file you are having problems with

Your Query/Request
or other information: